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Lighthouse Through Purple Flowers

IPH0049.jpg Beach Party縮略圖Lighthouse Through Pink FlowersBeach Party縮略圖Lighthouse Through Pink FlowersBeach Party縮略圖Lighthouse Through Pink FlowersBeach Party縮略圖Lighthouse Through Pink FlowersBeach Party縮略圖Lighthouse Through Pink Flowers
Adam Krause
0.00 (3 筆評價)

2 則評論


  • Odette - 星期日 24 一月 2016 10:21
    Thank you for featuring the beautiful pictures-- so open to a sense of reflection.
  • Enz - 星期一 10 十一月 2014 20:07
    We tried Le Cellier for dinner last visit for the first time and we were super excited to go! Loved the soup, loved the risotto (and I mean really loved!) the steak was def good but not off the charts awesome like I hoped for. Did not dig the maple creme brulee although I’m probably in the minority. So it was good …here it comes…but, it wasn’t clean which was a huge turnoff – the floor was surprisingly dirty. They were def slamming busy but it just took the “hooray, we’re here” magic out of it. And we had a server who kept calling us “dude”!! What?! We’re from a shore town and yes I do say “dude” upon occasion – I just wasn’t expecting my server to be so familiar. It was kinda’ bizarre actually. All in all a good dinner just not feeling the 2 TS credits.